Saturday, February 21, 2009

Addictive Television

So, I am in Oklahoma City for work and have been reading all day. I turned on the TV for a short break, needless to say, HGTV has been on my TV for 4 hours! See for a complete listing of shows. My personal favorite today was "Designed to Sell." Even though I am not thinking of moving... the show really gives some good ideas.

All of these shows are addictive and truly inspirational! Here is a current pic of my family room. It used to be all cluttered and a mess! There will be some major changes to the room (the paint, paneling, and trim)... but I haven't found the right idea just yet! I am sure it will come to me when I see something similar to my family room.

Until then, I will keep searching on TV and magazines.

Here is the "before" photo ->

I have re-arranged everything! My sister will be so proud!! It took a couple of different steps. A trip or two to Target ( and a free TV stand from IKEA ( from our brother and sister in law! But all ends well!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Starting off...

Well HI! I'm Caroline and this is my new blog! I am just starting this blog, but have a lot of thoughts to share. I encourage anyone and everyone to respond! I enjoy writing... so any tips are greatly appreciated. I have a lot of opinions and ideas to share!

About me: I grew up in the Chicago suburbs. I went to the University of Iowa for college. GO HAWKS! I am a huge sports fan. Especially of college football and most teams from Chicago... except the White Sox!

Currently, I live in Grand Rapids, Michigan. I work for a large insurance company and enjoy my job. I do projects for the insurance company.

I am happily married to my husband John. He is absolutely wonderful! We met on the internet! *more to follow*

I have two dogs who are the little loves of my life! They entertain me and keep me very happy!

I grew up in the suburbs of Chicago and have two sisters. We are all a year apart! They are my best friends.

There is so much to say... but this is only the beginning!

Hawaii Day 10- 1/30

Getting ready to head out of Hawaii and hubs helping with my hair :)  This is sooo beautiful! Cheese :) Laid back! Br...